Thursday, April 9, 2009

Not a very good week...

For those of you who don't know...I am not very good at keeping a journal. I start out great and then it fizzles. My weigh-in last week was incredible! I have never thought I would lose that much weight in such a short time. And because I got caught up in doing things, I didn't write about that success as soon as I should have.

After seeing those numbers go down, I was very excited to see what would happen on week 2. hasn't gone so good. Today (Thursday) was my first day working out. ALL WEEK! I have my reasons, but like an old friend once said, "Excuses are like armpits. Everyone has them and they all stink." There is no real reason why I did continue working out this past week. I did better with my food, but I did have a few slip ups here and there. It's hard not beating myself up over it, but I know I just need to keep moving forward and do that much better from here on out. So, don't expect a huge weight loss tomorrow, if any. I will also update my other information along with my weigh-in numbers.

I was reading a few articles on BLC and I will post one that fits perfectly for me this week and more importantly, this weekend. I have so many things going on this weekend it kind of scares me with my food and workouts. I really needed to see this article, which will be the next post. I hope it will help some of you when it comes to slipping up.


  1. I've been SO HORRIBLE and keeping up with your blog (AND MINE...for that matter). Hope things are going well for you!

  2. Hey cutie! I'm going to be doing so much better at keeping up with at least my blog. lol That way it's not a year or so between posts. :D
